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From the dawn of history, Jacob and Esau have been engaged in a never-ending, intensive spiritual battle. This battle will continue until the dawn of the future redemption. Jacob is represented by the people of Israel, whereas according to the Kabbalist Rabbi Isaac Luria, "The soul of Esau was reincarnated into the body of Jesus the Nazarene. . .and all who observe his religion and worship him should be called the Sons of Edom, since Jesus is Esau and Esau is Edom."

Kabbalists explain that Jesus formed the chariot for the ministering angel of Esau, paving the way for establishment of this international false religion, a religion that has darkened the entire world with idolatry. There is no need to depict the spiritual fate of those who believe that Jesus was a deity and follow him blindly.

The Talmud states that the Davidic Messiah sits at the gate of Rome. Nachmanides explains that he dwells there in order to save the weak flock of Israel who are captives of the Roman Edomite exile, in order to save them from Christianity. This book is dedicated to the real Davidic Messiah in the hope that he arrive speedily in our days

As a young man, Moshe Ben David was enticed by Christianity and baptized. He studied the religion with a circle of priests and worked as a missionary for a number of years. Following endless disputes and research, his illusions as to the veracity of his adopted religion exploded. He returned to Judaism and today leads the lifestyle of the (ultra)-Orthodox Jew.

Moshe Ben David is just on person, however, the phenomenon of assimilation and interest in Christianity around the world has claimed many such innocent victims. The author feels a special obligation to those Jews who have been left behind, as well as to all truth-seekers, thereby completing his personal process of repentance as well as carrying out his moral duty to help rescue souls as a result of his past experiences.

The book shatters Christian theology and exposes its myths, leaving the religion stripped of all content and shows its true intentions, thus preventing us from being ensnared in its awful trap.

At the Gate of Rome - Moshe Ben David

135.00 ₪מחיר
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